My 1000 Hours Outside Story
1000 Hours Outside
My commitment to spend 1000 hours outside one year and why you should, too.
My commitment to spend 1000 hours outside one year and why you should, too.
As you celebrate Earth Day today, you may be wondering how you can live as sustainably as possible AND feed your family the highest quality protein.
Christmas is such a special time of year on the farm. Things seem to slow down as compared to the busy growing seasons.
Things are already busy in the seed starting department here. I’ve got babies going in all shapes and sizes- all of the ingredients
We've all seen the news about beef prices soaring and rancher's facing hard times. There are shortages and we may not be able to find beef in our grocery store. You are worried. We know.
Here, we choose not to participate in all of that. We just do it ourselves. We aren't dependent on the global supply chain or giant meat packers.
Our beef is raised here, fed here with grains we grow or source from neighbors, and harvested here. Then, we get it right to your door- to your table.
Here's how the process usually works and how we do things differently.